Can't self-growth be fun?

Self-Help Story marries the fun of fiction with the transformation of nonfiction.
Based on Licia Rester's expertise in both entertainment and psychology, this new series provides readers with an engaging and delightful experience while supporting them in their own personal growth and success!

Explore More of the Self-Help Story Offerings...

Writer's Masterclass

Are you a writer who wants your nonfiction, fiction, or memoir to be engaging and powerfully transformational? 

Get Your FREE 24-hour Pass to the Self-Help Story Secrets MASTERCLASS! 

AVOID the 3 Writing Pitfalls that result in boring, preachy books!

"...the training helped me progress in knowledge on how to write a book that brings transformation to my readers—not just information.”


Magical Romance Novel

Are you ready for a magical adventure that can support you in enhancing your relationship?

Keys to the Last Resort is not merely a romance to read. It is an invitation to unlock the magic in your own relationship. The keys to transformation, in love and in life, are waiting for you at the Magdalene Inn. Are you ready?

"Far from reading like a self-help book, Licia Rester's story is a delightful sprint into the problems that many couples have, but full of fun, magic, and unexpected twists and turns. I couldn't put it down!"


Relationship Quiz

“It’s heartbreaking—my husband and I feel more like roommates than spouses!"

Don’t let little mistakes widen the emotional gap in your relationship.

Discover the Judgment Traps that are keeping you both stuck in the Cycle of Criticism.

"In just mere moments, this quiz can identify the #1 hidden trap that may be eroding the intimacy, connection, and joy in your relationship. Click the button above to embark on your journey to a happier, more loving partnership!"


Here's What Others Are Saying:

“As a couple in a long-term successful marriage and both coaches ourselves, we were blown away by the wisdom and inspiration...

Dr. Kamin Samuel and Mark Samuel,
International Coaches and Authors

“...a unique and engaging way to explore the complexities of marriage, love, and personal transformation, providing readers with a valuable resource to unlock the magic in their own lives.

Stu Semigran,
President & Co-founder of EduCare Foundation
Author of Heartset Education: A Way of Living and Learning
“...a fresh and inspiring perspective on love and relationship that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired."

Dayna Dunbar, 
Award-winning author of visionary fiction including Awake: The Legacy of Akara
“...personally empowering and transformational.”

Cindy Lou Golin, PhD, 
Transformation coach and author of The Shadow Playbook

Here's What To Do Next

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